I am an ardent creative, with my toes (sometimes much more) dipped into several artistic fields. I have been practicing photography for over thirty years, and have been freelancing for the last 16 years. I graduated from Concordia University in 2009 with a BFA in Studio Arts. Directly following Concordia, I attended LaSalle College, graduating in 2011 with degrees in both Beauty and Special FX makeup artistry. I worked as a makeup artist for eleven years, only retiring from it at the beginning of the pandemic.
In 2012 I started a daily Hatha yoga practice. In 2017, I became a 200hr registered Hatha yoga teacher through the former Rama Lotus Yoga Centre in Ottawa, ON. I have since completed several more trainings, including a 40hr Yin, a 20hr trauma-informed training, and a 20hr Love Your Brain training.
During the pandemic, I became more interested in providing services in the mental health field, and went back to college to attain a counselling degree. I recently graduated from Cégep Heritage College, as a Special Care Counsellor with over 800 hours of fieldwork experience. After a short & joyful stint as a supply teacher, I was hired at the Western Québec School Board, currently filling the role as their first Project Development Recognition Officer.
I’ve always sought work where I can be of service, helping clients feel good, or capturing a special moment in time for them. Being present and sharing a meaningful connection with my clients or students is one of the best rewards.
I currently live in Gatineau Quebec, Canada with my husband Philippe and our two feline furbabies, Ares and Onyx.